In-house Energy Management Platforms Comparison

January 15, 2022

In-house Energy Management Platforms Comparison

Saving money and energy can be easy with the right tools. In-house energy management platforms allow you to monitor and manage your energy consumption to reduce waste and lower bills. There are many options available, but how do you choose the best one for your needs? We have compared four popular in-house energy management platforms to help you make an informed decision.


Flare is an innovative energy management platform that can save you up to 40% on your utility bills. Flare’s AI-powered technology allows you to have personalized energy consumption suggestions that will help you reduce your energy bill.


  • Intuitive dashboard
  • AI-powered energy-saving recommendations
  • Customized energy plan
  • Mobile app integration


Wattwatchers is a cloud-based energy management system that provides real-time insights into your energy usage. The platform allows you to track energy usage at the individual appliance level, helping you identify energy inefficiencies and wastage.


  • Real-time energy usage data
  • Detailed insights into appliances' energy consumption
  • Easy integration with IoT devices
  • Flexible & scalable platform

Open Energy Monitor

Open Energy Monitor is an open-source DIY energy monitoring system that allows you to track energy usage in real-time. The system is flexible, modular, and customizable, and can easily be integrated with other open-source platforms.


  • Complete control over your energy data
  • Customizable system that can be modified in various configurations
  • Low-cost
  • Compatible with open-source platforms


Neurio is a real-time energy monitoring system designed to help you identify wasteful energy habits and reduce your energy bills. The system uses machine learning algorithms and has an app that can track your energy use in real-time, providing real-time alerts about energy-intensive appliances.


  • Real-time energy monitoring
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Customized energy-saving recommendations
  • Easy installation


Choosing the right energy management platform for your household can seem daunting, but it's worth considering the benefits. Flare and Wattwatchers stand out for providing real-time data and detailed appliance-level insights, Neurio for its machine learning algorithms, and Open Energy Monitor for its customizable and low-cost system.


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